
Type: Posts; User: Bryankeith1989

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  1. Sticky: What's the special rewards?!?!? I posted 2 fixes...

    What's the special rewards?!?!? I posted 2 fixes so far. If it worth it I'll do a lot more
  2. Sticky: Translation fix

    The language: French: Attendez que les bul off 😈😈😈😈
    Your Player ID number in the game:177736983
    What is the text exactly in the game: wait until the bul off 😈😈😈😈
    What the text you think should be:...
  3. Sticky: The language: french: Ne Rest pas beaucoup aller...

    The language: french: Ne Rest pas beaucoup aller les amis 🙌🙌
    Your Player ID number in the game: 177736983
    What is the text exactly in the game: do not stay much to go friends
    What the text you...
Results 1 to 3 of 3