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Thread: Please Read First.

  1. #31

  2. #32
    My account was

    I started a new game with the new account
    I could go from one to the other without any problem.
    But suddenly I knew how to make a bad manipulation and I can no longer connect to Terreur.
    I would like to recover Terror and if possible also keep
    Thank you

  3. #33
    Also on my pay account Lord Ryio. I've spent some money with you guys. Please take care of me on the King Ryio account.
    Thx again

  4. #34
    This post is just a sticky of what this topic is about, if you have a problem make a new thread under this topic that's why not a single one of you have gotten a reply, learn to read.

  5. #35
    James hey man this happened twice. I set up a 24 hr truce come back few hours later to find my city ahnilated. I'm using all my resources just to get close to where I was before this happens. King Ryio is the user name. I have a paying account that I've spent a lot of good money on (Lord Ryio). Please make this right for me thx.
    User: King Ryio

  6. #36
    As u can see their is no support> LOL They just want the money and when ur stuff goes down they dont care.

  7. #37
    Would be great to get support I hate to reformat my tablet and had to reinstall evony and boom what does it do gives me a new account. Got on here for help got one response then nothing and customer service said make a new fb or gmail account I am like wtf my fb is not even used on this game and so what if I do I will still have to remove and redownload the game and end up with another new account I cant get back to mymain account that I worked on for 4 months and spent allot of cash and getting help is bs the account is their and just getting destroyed now I am sure arrrrr so I l am on this lame new account that I dont even want to play.

  8. #38
    I lost my account i need help where i can add ss and things ?i msged support with my reciepts and id and everything but no replies yet please help me.

  9. #39
    Hey customer support how about answering us we have major promblems an you just ignore us you guys are in breech of the consumers rights act of 2015

  10. #40
    You can 1. Levy gold from your keep daily. And use gems to do an extra levy. You can also get gold from goblins on the world map also once a week send 5 attacks to the world boss for gems and gold

  11. #41
    PLease!I lost my account.Help me give it back.
    Old name: Robika Id: 16395928 I want to get it back !!!! PLEASE!!!!

    New: 1level : 16395928


  12. #42
    I can't access my account don't know if anyone here can help was on server31 and don't have my I'd #

  13. #43
    Evony wtf is going on? Cant log in for the last 4hours. We expect our rewards will be higher than the bullshit ass 2k gems you give out when game is offline.

  14. #44
    it was 2k gems, 1m resources(excluding gold, because these guys are idiots and think we can grow without it), an 8/12/24 hour speedup x1 of each. AND they gave everyone a 12 hour shield, BUT it replaced your CURRENT one, so ppl who had more than 12 hours on their bubble had theirs replaced. I'm one of them, I had 14 hours left when I managed to log back in, but the server took forever to register so I relogged, showed i had 11hr 40 min left. So that's 3 hours gone in less than 12 minutes.

  15. #45
    I saved the progress of one account over another. I wish I could recover my account
    before my shield falls
    not to lose my troops

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